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We combine Faith + Reason + Science to give you Psychology you can trust.

Dr. Greg Bottaro

Founder and Director of the CatholicPsych Institute

To Create a Catholic Standard

of Mental Health

By providing services and resources based on the integration of faithful Catholic anthropology with sound psychological science to help people become who God created them to be.

"For the first time in my life, I spend the majority of my day at peace. I am seeing the hand of God and feeling His presence throughout each moment. This has impacted every aspect of my life in profound ways—my life has been completely transformed."

John H.

"This is the first thing that has truly worked for me after spending years consumed by intense anxiety and OCD. I no longer live in fear because I know God has me securely in His hands. I feel a deep sense of gratitude for this incredible change."

Mary E.

"Now, I know in both my heart and mind that I am safe. I have never felt this calm or peaceful before, and it’s hard to put my thanks into words. It feels as though my entire life has opened up in a way I never thought possible."


Integrating Faith, Reason, & Science for Lasting Transformation


The Foundation That Sets Us Apart

God created us in His Image, and in Jesus Christ we see who we are created to become. "Christ reveals man to himself." This is why revealed truth about the person will always standardize any other proposals we consider to understand who we are.


God gave us our intellectual capacity to move towards a deeper understanding of Truth

There will never be a true difference between what is revealed and what is reasonable. Faith and Reason are like two wings of a dove, and we build our sense of the human person on "faith seeking understanding." The history of philosophy, especially the Personalism of St. John Paul 2, offers clear direction in our rational understanding of our nature.


Directing rational capacities to the observable world around us

As part of God's command to subdue the world around us, we seek to make sense of what we can observe through the scientific method. The psychological sciences, when grounded on faith and reason, lead us to an even deeper grasp.of who we are.

+ From the CatholicPsych Blog +

Catholic Mindfulness is Not Centering Prayer

Feb 9, 2024

Recently there have been one or two threads of concern popping up in regard to my teaching of Catholic Mindfulness. As my concern is always to lead people towards...

The One Most Important Quality to Look for in a Spouse

Feb 13, 2024

There are so many lists of tips and tricks for dating, and so many opinions on what to look for in a spouse that I decided to boil everything down to one...

Prioritizing Daily Life: The Power of Boundaries

Jan 30, 2024

Though life is often unpredictable, we have the power to prioritize daily life and habits in a way that values what’s important to each of us. As many of you already...

A Catholic Approach to Dealing with Difficult Relationships

Feb 9, 2024

Labeling relationships as “toxic” is widespread right now; let’s take a Catholic approach to difficult relationships and examine why they’re not always meant to be easy.

How to Spot Common Signs of Emotional Abuse

Feb 3, 2024

If I just love him enough, he’ll change… If I just treat her well enough, things will get better… If I just let it go this time, they’ll figure it out and won’t do it again...

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