It is love that heals…“Whoever wishes to heal man must see him in his wholeness and must know that his ultimate healing can only be God’s love.”

- Pope Benedict XVI

I'll help you unpack the burdens you are carrying.

Hi, my name is Holly, and I am a consecrated lay missionary with over two decades of professional ministry experience. Throughout my life, I have had the honor of accompanying individuals from various ages, backgrounds, and states of life. As a certified CPMAP Mentor, I specialize in helping you navigate life's challenges, whether you're discerning your vocation, seeking deeper healing in marriage, or dealing with complex family relationships so that you can live a flourishing life.

Serving as a retreat guide, spiritual director, and international speaker, especially for youth and young adults, has been a true joy. For the last 10 years I have been assigned to the preaching apostolate and have been blessed to speak at many national conferences. Currently, I am the Catholic Chaplain at William Paterson University. My work with these young people led me to Catholic Psych, where I have been amazed by the effectiveness of the Catholic Psych Mentorship model. I hope to help many others achieve the breakthroughs they have been seeking for years. I believe the secret lies in integrating an adequate anthropology, effective psychological tools, and faith into the process.

Mentorship combines the best aspects of spiritual direction and counseling, helping us address our deepest spiritual needs and everyday issues. With daily support and accountability, we can cut through the noise and focus on what truly matters. I feel that my life is meant to be a gift to others, and through mentorship, I hope to assist many in experiencing Christ's love and encouraging them to live their faith with courage and joy.

“Fear not little flock, it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom” Luke 12:38 “If you want Lord, you can heal me...I do want it. Be healed.”

  • - Matthew 8:2

Holly Wright, CM

as seen on...

I have extensive experience working with individuals after divorce, providing support and guidance to priests, and assisting those discerning a call to the priesthood or religious life. Additionally, I focus on healing and preparation for marriage, helping couples build strong, faith-filled relationships. My goal is to create a safe and supportive space for you to express and heal your wounds, walking alongside you on your journey towards fulfillment and peace. Let me help you discover and embrace God's unique plan for your life, providing the guidance and support you need to overcome obstacles and thrive.

We are wounded in relationship and we are healed in relationship. Many of our daily struggles, uncertainties, and distractions stem from our mind's attempts to resolve issues rooted in our past wounds. These wounds become part of our personal narrative and our defenses can become stumbling blocks if left unaddressed. Healing begins when we approach our story with compassion and see ourselves as God sees us through a supportive relationship, such as with a mentor. Then we can find the courage and freedom to live the abundant life God has planned for us - He has a mission for your life!

My work walking with young people in Casa Guadalupe and on mission led me to CatholicPsych, where I have been amazed by the effectiveness of the CatholicPsych Mentorship model.  After having served the Catholic Church in different capacities for the last 20 years, I have seen different programs and techniques– there is so much good going on in the world! However, I must say that the Catholic Psych model is one of the best approaches I have ever seen. The daily accompaniment provided in mentorship integrates Catholic anthropology, spirituality and psychology can help us learn acceptance, authentic love and true freedom to discover the exciting path God has for our lives.  My life has personally been changed with the help of a mentor and I know it can help you too.

the world needs a catholic standard of mental health

“Everyone, in fact, especially those who have heeded the divine call to follow Christ closely, needs to be accompanied personally by a guide reliable in doctrine and expert in the things of God”

~Pope Benedict XVI

what we do here...

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Integrated Mentorship

We know how God made you, why you're stuck, and how to get you unstuck

The mentorship model I provide allows me to walk with you in full view of your whole humanity- your body, mind, and SPIRIT. We are trained by the CatholicPsych Model to understand you through the lens of Faith, Reason, and Science. This is the ONLY way to really know you, and how to help you.

A Daily Model

Accompaniment modeled after Christ should meet you in the context of your daily life, just like He does.

We help you understand and experience the work of God in your life. And even if you struggle with, or don't even believe in God, we can help you to experience how Goodness, Truth, and Beauty are pursuing you in the context of your lived life. You don't have to compartmentalize your "self-care" away from the rest of your life - I'll be with you every day, to walk with you as you are making your way through whatever real challenges are presented to you.



Covering all the bases

If you're having a human experience, I can help you

Whether you are struggling with anxiety, depression, trauma, addiction, or other typical mental health related issues, are looking for support and clarity in vocation-related struggles or discernment, are simply feeling burned out where you're at in life, or want to go deeper and reach further along your path to holiness and happiness, the Catholic model I practice from will help you.

Hear from others...

Just a small sample of experiences from my clients

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What are your qualifications? 

I am a missionary with Corazón Puro and the Director of Casa Guadalupe, a house of missionary formation for women. With over 20 years of experience in education and ministry, I have served in various capacities, including directing Religious Education and youth ministry in parishes. Additionally, I have worked as a public speaker and trainer with LIFENET education.

Academic Background:
- Studied Liberal Arts with a focus on Philosophy and Theology at Thomas Aquinas College.
- Obtained a Master's degree in Psychology from Divine Mercy University.

- Certified Mentor with CatholicPsych, utilizing the CatholicPsych Model of Applied Personalism (CPMAP), which integrates Catholic anthropology, spirituality, and psychological sciences.

Professional Achievements:
- Directed Religious Education and youth ministry in multiple parishes.Served as a public speaker and trainer with LIFENET education, impacting numerous individuals through workshops and seminars.

- Extensive experience working with individuals after divorce, providing support and guidance to priests, and assisting those discerning a call to the priesthood or religious life.

- Specialized in healing and preparation for marriage, helping couples build strong, faith-filled relationships.

Throughout my career, I have walked with people of all ages, cultures, and states of life. I would be honored to walk with you on your journey towards healing and fulfillment.

What exactly is Mentorship?

Mentorship (technically called Integrated Daily Dialogic Mentorship, or IDDM) is neither traditional counseling nor spiritual direction, but occupies a unique space in between those two fields. Mentorship is daily accompaniment, looking at you and your story as an integrated whole, examined at your pace, with the goal of finding happiness and holiness in your life.