"If God created shadows, it was to better emphasize the light."

– St. John XXIII

I'll help you unpack the burdens you are carrying.

Recognizing that we each have unique needs and healing journeys, I provide a supportive space to explore the interconnectedness of your mind, body, and spirit. It's easy to overlook the impact of daily choices and unconscious habits on our well-being. Through this exploration, transformative change becomes possible.

“The world offers you comfort, but you were not made for comfort.  You were made for greatness.”  Pope Benedict XVI

I honor the strength and courage required to delve into these depths. We've all encountered the fear of revisiting past experiences, believing we'd overcome them, only to discover their continued presence. This can result in a sense of inner discord, which can be deeply unsettling. Together, we can navigate this terrain.

Serving as a retreat guide, spiritual director, and international speaker, especially for youth and young adults, has been a true joy. For the last 10 years I have been assigned to the preaching apostolate and have been blessed to speak at many national conferences. Currently, I am the Catholic Chaplain at William Paterson University. My work with these young people led me to Catholic Psych, where I have been amazed by the effectiveness of the Catholic Psych Mentorship model. I hope to help many others achieve the breakthroughs they have been seeking for years. I believe the secret lies in integrating an adequate anthropology, effective psychological tools, and faith into the process.

Mentorship combines the best aspects of spiritual direction and counseling, helping us address our deepest spiritual needs and everyday issues. With daily support and accountability, we can cut through the noise and focus on what truly matters. I feel that my life is meant to be a gift to others, and through mentorship, I hope to assist many in experiencing Christ's love and encouraging them to live their faith with courage and joy.

Paulina Medina, CM

as seen on...

Paulina Medina, CM

Spanish Mentorship Available / Mentoría en Español Disponible

“Si Dios creó las sombras, fue para resaltar mejor la luz”. – Papa Juan XXIII

La individualidad nos define, y cada uno tenemos necesidades particulares y procesos de sanación propios. A menudo, ignoramos cómo nuestras decisiones cotidianas impactan nuestra salud integral. Los hábitos que no reconocemos suelen ser los que más influyen. Esta falta de conexión, afecta nuestro estado de ánimo, energía y bienestar. Te brindo un espacio seguro para descubrir cómo tu mente, cuerpo y espíritu se conectan, impulsando así una transformación entrañable.

Comprendo profundamente la valentía que implica este viaje, y te ofrezco mi apoyo sincero. Todos hemos sentido el miedo de confrontar lo que creíamos superado, y ver cómo vuelve a surgir. Es en esos momentos cuando la desintegración nos invade, y puede ser paralizante. 

Con la certificación de CPMAP como base, y las herramientas de la psicología, la antropología filosófica católica y la espiritualidad, ofrezco acompañamiento constante en tu camino hacia el bienestar integral.

A través del acompañamiento diario, puedes conectarte a tu propio ritmo, desde cualquier lugar, y sin la carga de horarios rígidos o resúmenes semanales. Sería un privilegio caminar a tu lado, apoyándote mientras navegas tu proceso individual.

the world needs a catholic standard of mental health

“Everyone, in fact, especially those who have heeded the divine call to follow Christ closely, needs to be accompanied personally by a guide reliable in doctrine and expert in the things of God”

~Pope Benedict XVI

what we do here...

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Integrated Mentorship

We know how God made you, why you're stuck, and how to get you unstuck

The mentorship model I provide allows me to walk with you in full view of your whole humanity- your body, mind, and SPIRIT. We are trained by the CatholicPsych Model to understand you through the lens of Faith, Reason, and Science. This is the ONLY way to really know you, and how to help you.

A Daily Model

Accompaniment modeled after Christ should meet you in the context of your daily life, just like He does.

We help you understand and experience the work of God in your life. And even if you struggle with, or don't even believe in God, we can help you to experience how Goodness, Truth, and Beauty are pursuing you in the context of your lived life. You don't have to compartmentalize your "self-care" away from the rest of your life - I'll be with you every day, to walk with you as you are making your way through whatever real challenges are presented to you.



Covering all the bases

If you're having a human experience, I can help you

Whether you are struggling with anxiety, depression, trauma, addiction, or other typical mental health related issues, are looking for support and clarity in vocation-related struggles or discernment, are simply feeling burned out where you're at in life, or want to go deeper and reach further along your path to holiness and happiness, the Catholic model I practice from will help you.

Hear from others...

Just a small sample of experiences from my clients

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What are your qualifications? 

Inspired by CPMAP, using the best of psychology, Catholic philosophical anthropology and spirituality, I offer consistent accompaniment on your path to integrated well-being.

Through daily accompaniment, you can connect on your own terms, from any location, and without the burden of rigid schedules or weekly recaps. It would be a privilege to walk alongside you, supporting you as you navigate your unique journey.

What exactly is Mentorship?

Mentorship (technically called Integrated Daily Dialogic Mentorship, or IDDM) is neither traditional counseling nor spiritual direction, but occupies a unique space in between those two fields. Mentorship is daily accompaniment, looking at you and your story as an integrated whole, examined at your pace, with the goal of finding happiness and holiness in your life.