Become Who You Are

~ St. John Paul II

Who is God calling you to be?

I'll help you unpack the burdens you are carrying.

Whether you are married or single, clergy or religious, or you are in the process of finding your true calling, perhaps you are experiencing fears in discernment or feeling overwhelmed in living out your vocation. St. John Paul II reminds us that each one of us is unique and unrepeatable, and all that we are created to become is present within us from the moment we come into existence. 

What stands in the way of knowing who we really are? How do we overcome our fears and discover our true identity? Are you afraid of what God might be calling you to? Do you fear giving God control of your life? Do you want to find your purpose in life but are unable to take the next steps? Are you at a crossroads and unsure of which path to take?

“For behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17:21

Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt.

Barb Kralik, CM

as seen on...

Much of our doubt, distress, and constant distraction in daily life is a result of our mind’s efforts (conscious or not) to resolve dilemmas borne out of our woundedness. Our wounds are a part of our story, but they can stand as obstacles on our path. We trip over them time and again if we don’t recognize and acknowledge them. So, what is the answer? Relationship is the key. We are all created, wounded, and healed within the context of relationship. Your own healing can begin by engaging your story with compassion and honoring your infinite dignity in the sacred space of relationship with a mentor. In coming to know who you are through the unfolding of your story, you will find greater freedom to embrace your identity and more confidently move forward in becoming who you are created to be. Do you wish to engage with your story so you can co-author your future with God? It is my privilege to walk this sacred path with you. 

As a professed Lay Missionary of Charity and the wife of a permanent deacon, I understand the beauty and the challenge of vocation discernment. It is my great desire to accompany others on their journey of healing and growth in holiness.

Barb Kralik, CM

the world needs a catholic standard of mental health

“Everyone, in fact, especially those who have heeded the divine call to follow Christ closely, needs to be accompanied personally by a guide reliable in doctrine and expert in the things of God”

~Pope Benedict XVI

what we do here...

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Integrated Mentorship

We know how God made you, why you're stuck, and how to get you unstuck

The mentorship model I provide allows me to walk with you in full view of your whole humanity- your body, mind, and SPIRIT. We are trained by the CatholicPsych Model to understand you through the lens of Faith, Reason, and Science. This is the ONLY way to really know you, and how to help you.

A Daily Model

Accompaniment modeled after Christ should meet you in the context of your daily life, just like He does.

We help you understand and experience the work of God in your life. And even if you struggle with, or don't even believe in God, we can help you to experience how Goodness, Truth, and Beauty are pursuing you in the context of your lived life. You don't have to compartmentalize your "self-care" away from the rest of your life - I'll be with you every day, to walk with you as you are making your way through whatever real challenges are presented to you.



Covering all the bases

If you're having a human experience, I can help you

Whether you are struggling with anxiety, depression, trauma, addiction, or other typical mental health related issues, are looking for support and clarity in vocation-related struggles or discernment, are simply feeling burned out where you're at in life, or want to go deeper and reach further along your path to holiness and happiness, the Catholic model I practice from will help you.

What is the mentorship experience

Hear firsthand from one of my clients

Get the Free Ebook Accompanied, which tells the beautiful story of healing through Mentorship

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What are your qualifications? 

I am a CatholicPsych Institute Certified Mentor and a member of the inaugural class of the CPMAP Program. The CatholicPsych Model of Applied Personalism (CPMAP) integrates solid Catholic anthropology and spirituality with the best of the psychological sciences for an integrated understanding of the human person. 

Having worked for many years in technology, my focus over the last 15 years has been in full-time ministry, serving as a Spiritual Care Counselor and Bereavement Coordinator in hospice care, a Pastoral Associate in parish life, and a Mentor Coordinator in jail ministry. I hold a Masters degree in Pastoral Ministry from Duquesne University and a Certificate in Spiritual Direction from the Institute for Ministry Formation at Saint Vincent Seminary. I have served as supervisor and formation advisor to permanent deacon candidates in the Diocese of Pittsburgh. As a Lay Missionary of Charity (LMC), I have professed annual vows since 2009, coordinated national LMC retreats, and served as the LMC National Link of the United States. I was privileged to participate in LMC International General Assemblies in Rome, the birthplace of the LMCs, and Nazareth, the birthplace of the Church. 

While I am not a licensed therapist and cannot diagnose or prescribe medications, I am eager to listen to your sacred story, to help you experience the profound healing God desires for you, and to celebrate your uniqueness and unrepeatability as you continue to grow in holiness.

What exactly is Mentorship?

Mentorship (technically called Integrated Daily Dialogic Mentorship, or IDDM) is neither traditional counseling nor spiritual direction, but occupies a unique space in between those two fields. Mentorship is daily accompaniment, looking at you and your story as an integrated whole, examined at your pace, with the goal of finding happiness and holiness in your life.