Integration fosters resilience, empowering you to overcome life’s challenges.

Look upon yourself as a tree planted beside the water, which bears its fruit in due season; the more it is shaken by the wind, the deeper it strikes its roots into the ground. - St Margaret Mary Alacoque

I'll help you unpack the burdens you are carrying.

Do you feel like life is pulling you in all directions? Are your emotions overwhelming, leaving you searching for balance and peace? Do thoughts keep you awake at night, or do you feel unseen and unsupported, struggling under the weight of your burdens? Perhaps you feel abandoned by God in a world that seems to be working against you.

If you’ve ever felt this way, I want you to experience the true freedom and happiness your heart desires and was created for. Living a balanced and integrated life is challenging, and trying to do it alone can feel impossible. By inviting someone to journey with you, you can nurture your mental and emotional well-being while fostering personal growth and healing.

When you care for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs, you create space to manage stress, build resilience, and develop meaningful relationships. This foundation allows your heart to grow in freedom, empowering you to fully embrace life’s blessings and face its challenges with confidence and hope.

Reconnecting with your sense of self, rediscovering your purpose, and breaking free from the chains that hold you back are essential steps. Prioritizing your well-being leads to transformation not only in your own life but also in the lives of your family and community. Together, this creates a lasting ripple effect of hope and renewal that echoes far beyond the present moment into eternity.

We must never be discouraged or give way to anxiety. . . but ever have recourse to the adorable Heart of Jesus.   -St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt.

Erika Wood, CM

Each day, I will journey with you, offering a safe and nurturing space to reflect on the challenges and experiences that have shaped your heart and person. My mission is to walk alongside you to support you, help you thrive, provide guidance, be a listening ear, and be a friend as you live your unique purpose. Together, we will draw out the good within you and work toward healing your wounds. My life story has not been easy either, and I aim to use the insights I’ve gained from my experiences, along with the tools from my CPMAP certification, to help you grow. With empathy and dedication, I will use my clinical expertise—both personal and professional—to listen deeply and guide you toward healing, growth, and greater freedom. I wish to tend to your heart so that you may allow the Heart of Jesus to love and heal you.

The transformative work of integrating mind, body, and soul has profoundly impacted my own life, and it is a gift I am honored to share with you. We are created for freedom—to be loved, to love, and to fully express the person God has made us to be. Yet, the burdens and wounds of life can weigh us down, often damaging us to the point of despair, keeping us bound, and preventing us from seeing God’s infinite love for us and being able to love like Him. We were never meant to carry these burdens alone. Too often, we find ourselves trapped in anxieties about the future or regrets of the past. Unconsciously, we may repeat destructive and unhealthy patterns of living that we developed over time as a form of protection. However, these patterns don’t truly protect us but instead trap and enslave us, preventing us from feeling loved or giving love in return.

It would be my privilege to walk alongside you with compassion and understanding, helping you move into the freedom, joy, and peace for which you were created.

Erika Wood, CM

the world needs a catholic standard of mental health

“Everyone, in fact, especially those who have heeded the divine call to follow Christ closely, needs to be accompanied personally by a guide reliable in doctrine and expert in the things of God”

~Pope Benedict XVI

what we do here...

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Integrated Mentorship

We know how God made you, why you're stuck, and how to get you unstuck

The mentorship model I provide allows me to walk with you in full view of your whole humanity- your body, mind, and SPIRIT. We are trained by the CatholicPsych Model to understand you through the lens of Faith, Reason, and Science. This is the ONLY way to really know you, and how to help you.

A Daily Model

Accompaniment modeled after Christ should meet you in the context of your daily life, just like He does.

We help you understand and experience the work of God in your life. And even if you struggle with, or don't even believe in God, we can help you to experience how Goodness, Truth, and Beauty are pursuing you in the context of your lived life. You don't have to compartmentalize your "self-care" away from the rest of your life - I'll be with you every day, to walk with you as you are making your way through whatever real challenges are presented to you.



Covering all the bases

If you're having a human experience, I can help you

Whether you are struggling with anxiety, depression, trauma, addiction, or other typical mental health related issues, are looking for support and clarity in vocation-related struggles or discernment, are simply feeling burned out where you're at in life, or want to go deeper and reach further along your path to holiness and happiness, the Catholic model I practice from will help you.

What is the mentorship experience

Hear firsthand from one of my clients

Get the Free Ebook Accompanied, which tells the beautiful story of healing through Mentorship

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What are your qualifications? 

I am a CatholicPsych Institute Certified Mentor, and the CatholicPsych Model of Applied Personalism (CPMAP) integrates solid Catholic anthropology and spirituality with the best of the psychological sciences for an integrated understanding of the human person. I also hold a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Liberty University.

Having been married for 30 years and a mother to 13 children, 9 of whom are adults, I am blessed to have three grandchildren.

I have always felt a deep calling to help and support others, especially due to my own experiences of challenges, wounds, and the pain of dealing with them alone. This has created a deep desire within me that no person ever feels alone, that each person knows their wounds can be healed, and that they recognize their life is worth living. At first, I understood my role as simply listening and offering practical advice, often relying on behavior modification techniques to improve lives. However, through my journey with CPMAP, I have come to a deeper understanding—that healing and inner freedom are achieved through personal accompaniment, education, spiritual growth, and the development of new patterns of thinking and acting that come from being loved and seen.

My mission now is to share the transformative power of CPMAP, which I have personally experienced along with my family. I want more for you than just survival or the struggle to stay afloat. My goal is to empower you with love, tools for greater self-awareness, healing, and a profound sense of freedom—even amidst life's inevitable challenges.

While I am not a licensed therapist and cannot diagnose or prescribe medications, I am eager to listen to your story, help you experience the profound healing God desires for you, and celebrate your uniqueness as you continue to grow in holiness.

What exactly is Mentorship?

Mentorship (technically called Integrated Daily Dialogic Mentorship, or IDDM) is neither traditional counseling nor spiritual direction, but occupies a unique space in between those two fields. Mentorship is daily accompaniment, looking at you and your story as an integrated whole, examined at your pace, with the goal of finding happiness and holiness in your life.