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November 09, 20191 min read

Special union commitment love

Blessed together elegant doves

Sharing joy emotions pain

Sharing lives through sunshine rain


Sacred connection profound inner source

Once deeply bonded no thing as divorce

Deep character generated here

Living in union year after year


Comfort of presence another bestows

Provides context within which you grow

Solid foundation something called home

A place you step into you’re not alone


Joy of communion celebration faith

Puts you through paces right out of the gate

Providing experience from which you can learn

Revealing your essence through beauty and burn


Do not take it lightly do not treat it profane

Do not let jagged edges chase you from its pain

Take from its hearth all that’s wise and warm

Filling up your being as each day you are born


Have you experienced a sacred union in your life?

What have the been the benefits, challenges and learnings ?

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Stewart Levine

I have always been a seeker, always looking for the answers to what seekers ponder. I can remember Dr. Maxwell Maltz and Psychocybernetics; Dr. Carl Rogers On Becoming a Person. Moving through my legal training and practicing law the focus was always about people and how to better their lives. All that searching, reading, studying and introspective work culminated in this collection of daily readings for seekers. My work in the world has progressed from fighting legal cases to mediating divorces to helping people understand the essentials of relationship and collaborating to these poems. How can we collaborate effectively and work with each other in harmony to create the world we seek. How can we mindfully enable this world to become a place that works for all. My prayer is that through introspection using these poems as a guide we can all grow together in making the world the Heaven on Earth we all aspire toward.

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