Daily Support Integrating
Faith, Reason, and Science for
Lasting Transformation
Our approach combines faith and psychology, offering personalized mentorship to transform your daily challenges.
After years as a Psychologist providing clinical therapy, I took a step back to develop a different way to help that offered something missing from traditional therapy: relationships experienced through interactions everyday instead of once per week.
After a year using this experimental method, we had better results with the new method than anything we'd experienced before - even with clients who overlapped both.
Instead of limiting a therapeutic conversation to a 45 minute session, once per week, you now get to keep an ongoing dialogue anytime, anywhere to establish a relationship that creates lasting change!
In our view, the 45 minute, once-per-week therapy session is a modern invention developed to make it easier for insurance companies to make money and over-regulated licensing boards to cash in as well.
Wow that sounds really painful. Let's dig into that - wait... sorry -
time's up. We'll have to pick it up next week.
The model that licensed therapists (even the best Catholic ones) are required to follow is based on a wrong understanding of the human person. (Science can only study the body, but by definition can't make claims on the immaterial soul).
You hope it will work wonders, and can end up wondering if it works at all
Many blame the therapist, or maybe yourself,
and can feel like a failure for trying therapy in the first place.
If you've been through this, or know someone who has, you're not alone.
When these outcomes are as common as they are, it’s time to do something different.
There's no time-pressure to make sure you say everything you need to, hear everything you need to, and remember everything you need to in sporadic meetings. We're with you. Every day.
State licensed therapy schools do not teach ways to help the whole person. Secular psychology doesn't accept beliefs that can't be measured, or "empirically validated." Psychology classes miss the entire spiritual dimension of the human person.
Revealed truth is completely ignored in regular psychotherapy training.
Not only does this omission sabotage therapy in its ability to facilitate a natural relationship between you and your therapist, secular therapy is more Freud than Faith.
Are there good Catholic therapists practicing within the traditional model? Of course! We love and support our brothers and sisters striving to bring the faith into the licensed secular models. We just want to be honest about what kind of psychology is required for licensed education in the current secular environment. Sole reliance on "empirically validated" methods by its very definition means that the methods taught - even in the best Catholic programs - are the same methods used in every secular program. Should Catholic models of intervention provide something substantially different than what can be done without a Catholic perspective on the person? We think so.
The world wants us to separate those things as if the human person is divided, but our Catholic worldview is that we are actually a unity of all three. The spiritual necessarily affects the psychological, and the psychological necessarily affects the spiritual. Priests and Psychologists should be working to build new models of the person that incorporate both. We're doing our part.
Dialogic Mentorship
Truly Catholic accompaniment to deeply redeem
your struggles through daily mentorship.
Speak openly and easily with your trusted mentor, so that you get to the heart of what's holding you back, without artificial time constraints
Feel heard and understood, even if you're not sure what to say
Get the best use of your time, money, and
effort without feeling like you're wasting your resources on something that might not work
Dialogue on your terms, at your pace (so you never miss an appointment again!)
Keep all the important nuggets you learn from your mentor in downloadable recorded messages
- Yours to keep as long as you wish!
At the end of your mentorship, move forward feeling freer and resolved in the areas you need it most.
The trusted expertise you’ve come to expect from CatholicPsych Institute therapists is now available in a totally new method featuring our new breakthrough process
in·te·gra·ted /ˈintəɡrāted/
The trusted expertise you’ve come to expect from CatholicPsych Institute therapists are now providing healing in a totally new model featuring the new breakthrough process
Integration is how we see the person (a unity of bio-psycho-social-spiritual dimensions), and it is how we provide accompaniment (bringing together our work with your life).
dia•log•ic /ˈdīəˌˈläjik/
From the Greek words dia and logos. Dia mean 'through'; logos translates to 'word' or 'meaning'. In essence, a dialogue is a flow of meaning.
To take it one step further, dialogue is a conversation in which people encounter meaning together in relationship.
Everyone first asks, "How can you be on call, every day, for all of your clients?" The answer has been in our hands the whole time.
Our method is simple. We create a private walkie-talkie like dialogue using an app. We send recorded voice messages back and forth each day, developing quick, deep, personal rapport and connection.
God gave us reason, creativity, and a drive for excellence to continually master our world. Technology is a fruit of that, and while there are real problems that emerge with new technology, there are also real benefits.
We figured out how to use technology to be more present to people in a healing way. This is where "stepping outside the box" comes in. At first it seemed counter-intuitive to use technology to be more connected to people, but as soon as we put our model into practice, we found more connection, more vulnerability, more intimacy, and more change was possible because it allows us to be in contact every day.
So while it may seem at first like we are sacrificing something important with the "real time" dimension of the secular psychotherapy model, what we gain with daily accompaniment, even through recorded voice messages, is far more important for the change process.
A mentor relationship is a real relationship, we nurture very deep connections through our model, and the ultimate proof is that this has been working consistently for hundreds of people.
Tell us how you feel in the moment, when something important happens, instead of waiting a week to tell someone
Get our feedback within 24 hours, to reflect on in the immediacy of your life, instead of hearing it a week later when it might not be relevant anymore
Take your time to listen to our feedback, when you have the time and space for it, instead of hoping you are in a good emotional space to receive what your therapist has to say
Keep the recordings for as long as you want and re-listen as much as you need to instead of forgetting those nuggets of empathy and wisdom
Clarify misunderstandings quickly and efficiently instead of sitting with something for a whole week wondering what was meant or feeling more distress
We give you all the spiritual & daily tools we have available.
While in mentorship, you can access all of Dr. Greg's courses and content, as well as other specialists who provide resources for our members. Instead of cherry-picking and offering bits and pieces of things that can be "coded" and "reimbursed" by big-business insurance companies, we're here to give you everything we can. With a full suite of resources at your fingertips, and a Mentor to help you along the way, you'll have everything you need.
Working through difficulties with others who are going through the same thing can provide empathetic context for even better results. We have layers of community built into the Integrated Life app so that you can get all the help you need. If there's a group of people working through what you are, we'll let you know and invite you in.
You'll start off by getting our proprietary deep dive intake questionnaire process, which is an integral part of our full assessment process often costing upwards of $5,000. We want you to get off to the best start possible so we will help you figure out exactly what to work on in this exclusive assessment experience.
"For the first time in my life, I spend the majority of my day at peace. I am seeing the hand of God and feeling His presence throughout each moment. This has impacted every aspect of my life in profound ways—my life has been completely transformed."
John H.
"This is the first thing that has truly worked for me after spending years consumed by intense anxiety and OCD. I no longer live in fear because I know God has me securely in His hands. I feel a deep sense of gratitude for this incredible change."
Mary E.
"Now, I know in both my heart and mind that I am safe. I have never felt this calm or peaceful before, and it’s hard to put my thanks into words. It feels as though my entire life has opened up in a way I never thought possible."
Instead of waiting a month or two to see if you can "connect" with your therapist, you will absolutely know if this is going to work for you in less than two weeks.
That's a bold promise so we're backing it up with a no-questions-asked full refund.
IDDM is a model of accompaniment, and that means we bear your burdens with you - including the perceived risk of trying something new. We'll start walking with you right now. If this model seems too good to be true, or you can't wrap your head around how voice messaging every day could possibly help - we get you. We're here with you. We want to bear that particular burden with you, starting right now.
Use our model for 14 days. If you aren't convinced that having a mentor available to you through daily accompaniment to dialogue with according to your own schedule as important things happen to you, or to share deep insights as they strike you, and then have this mentorship recorded for you to inspire you at any time -
— If that isn’t worth it to you after 14 days, we'll give you a full refund. You won't find that kind of promise with any other therapist practicing psychotherapy.
There's only one catch - you have to actually give it a try. We will only refund you, no questions asked, if you actually use it for 2 weeks and then request a refund (with the simple click of a button).
Your life is important and the impact you have in this world matters. We’re here to help you see that for yourself and unlock your fullest potential.
struggles into triumphs through daily mentorship.
Anytime Access
Faster Results
Continuous Daily Dialogue
Integrated Into Your Life
Fully Spiritual Anthropology
Retain All Your Messages
Full Access to Integrated Life
Supportive Courses Included
Did you know a national study found that 63% of patients in psychotherapy report disappointing results from their treatment, and over 80% reported recurring symptoms or difficulty after their therapy was stopped for 6 months?
Christ revealed to us that we're made for relationship. Our model takes the psychological expertise that science has to offer, and unleashes its true potential within a Christian context of accompaniment. grounded on a fully Catholic blueprint of the Human Person. In fact, we teach this model in our CPMAP Certification Program. (This is our certification in Catholic Accompaniment called the CatholicPsych Model of Applied Personalism.)
Practically speaking, we'll set you up with a mentor trained in this model that will help you work in your particular area of need. You'll fill out an in-depth questionnaire and then talk further to create an individualized plan. You'll set up a private communication channel using an App called Voxer, which allows you to leave personal voice messages back and forth - with daily responses from your consultant (M-F). We work with you on a daily basis. We bring the work of God in your life front and center, and allow psychological expertise to support the work, but we don't lean on our understanding alone.
Have you ever felt like the medical system is detached from the real lives of the people it's supposed to serve?It's time to let you in on a scary secret. It actually is. There's not something wrong with you. You aren't just "uneducated" to "how it really works." The whole medical system is set up to run on a financial model dictated by insurance companies.
We have all been trained to think that this is the only way it can work. It's not. The most fundamental point of our identity is relationship. We are made out of relationship (in the image of the Trinity) and we are made for relationship (to return to the Trinity). We are taught who we are in relationship, we are formed in relationship, we are wounded in relationship, and we are healed in relationship. Relationship happens by way of communication. We've discovered that since we are communicating every day, there is a lot more time and intention that goes into each moment of communication, and there are more frequent moments dispersed throughout the week. Your mentor is joining you in your life and you are speaking deeply and intentionally about it together throughout the week. This is an intensely personal and effective model for a transformative relationship.
These are all comments I regularly used to hear in therapy:
"There's so much to say, where do I even start?"
"I forgot what I wanted to tell you - it was something really important, but now I forgot it."
"I wish you could have been there..."
"How did we spend 30 minutes talking about this? That's not even what I need to talk about."
These are the kinds of sentiments you'll have when you try to fit a relationship into 45 minutes a week. It's not supposed to be like that. With our model, you'll have daily 24/7 access to your mentor, who will work through issues with you one small bite at a time. This allows you to reach out anytime you have a thought, idea, or experience to share. You'll get responses within 24 hours, and still have some space to process - just not a whole week! Instead of waiting a week until your next interaction, you can go back and forth many times in that same space of time.
Plus- you'll have all the responses recorded and stored. Gone are the days of forgetting that really important point your therapist made that you'll never be able to get back.
The old once-per-week model of psychotherapy required a good month or two to even build rapport, the first step of the therapeutic process. Sure, you should have a good feeling from the first conversation, but when you only meet for 45 minutes once per week, building any legitimate working relationship can take months.
When you can talk back and forth each day, you'll be off to a great start in a matter of weeks. In fact, we are so sure you'll love this new model, that if you use it for two weeks and don't think it's a good fit, we'll refund your first payment!Instead of spending three months to figure out if it will work for you, you'll know in two weeks if this is a good fit.
Moving forward, you decide for just one month at a time. Payments are processed at the beginning of your month, and then you get to work without worrying about missing appointments, fitting in your schedule, or putting your busy life on hold. This model works with your actual human life.
The old model might seem more attractive with a weekly fee, but ends up costing much much more when you are spinning your wheels for months on end without knowing if you should hang in there or pull the plug.
We charge by the month because we believe it's a more accurate reflection of the work you are doing. Our monthly fee differs based on the experience of your Mentor. You'll get the same resources with all of our mentors, but the difference in the investment you make is based on the experience of your mentor. In the long run, you'll spend less money by working through your difficulties faster, more efficiently tackling difficult issues with professional support day-by-day instead of once per week.
To work with one of our Training Directors is $2497/month.
To work with one of our Master Mentors is $1497/month.
If you are interested in financial aid please schedule a consultation call to learn more.
Training Directors are our expert mentors responsible for training our up and coming team. They are trained in supervision, can integrate more easily the wide spectrum of mental health issues with spiritual issues, and generally have more experience.
A Master Mentor is one who has successfully completed our training and certification.
Yes! We have developed a training and credentialing program to share our model with the world. If you are a student or professional in mental health, or work in any other capacity bearing the mental and emotional burdens of others, click here for more info
While there are similarities within our model of mentorship to some elements of different coaching programs, IDDM was created by a Clinical Psychologist who was also trained in spiritual direction as a Franciscan Friar. Our model expertly weaves together psycho-spiritual considerations for every developmental experience felt by our clients. What we offer falls outside the scope of what states define as "psychotherapy" and beyond what any program of spiritual direction teaches.
We offer the best of both worlds, and offer our help to people in a format that benefits from the developments made within the world of coaching.
You get the expertise of training in the psychological sciences with the broader sphere of how people work together and gain help from one another in today's world. The regulated sphere of "psychotherapy" has been slow to adapt to ways that other spheres of help have, such as executive coaching. We have integrated the benefits of the technology that coaches or other consultants use with psychologically-informed training. Now you can have both.
The parameters are fairly simple and straightforward. You have unlimited access to send a message whenever you want to talk with your mentor, and your mentor will respond within 24 hours, M-F.
In general, we ask that the total amount of message time in between mentor responses is limited to 15 minutes. This will give you and your mentor the best opportunity to attend to each other's messages.
to receive the accompaniment of a mentor walking with you, helping you navigate your real-life circumstances in a way that’s actually helpful for you.
We can’t wait to help and walk with you on your journey to a better, healthier and holier life.
Someone from our team is available to give you a one-on-one call. We'll help you figure out your unique healing goals and needs, and discern the next best step on your journey.
There’s no commitment to sign up, and no cost. Too many people get stuck trying to figure out on their own what kind of help they might need to take the next good step in their life. Even if we're not the best fit for you, we're here to help you figure it out.
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