St. Joseph Consecration

A 44-day preparation for Consecration that brings into focus the spiritual as well as the psychological realities of being human.

Are you seeking a deeper experience of psychological and spiritual healing? Will it be found in a multitude of self-help books or is it achievable by “praying harder”?

Too often, programs for growth either prioritize the spiritual over the material, or the material over the spiritual. There’s a reason these approaches fail, and it has something to do with the fact that you and I are not angels.

The quickest and easiest way to grow is to follow a path that lines up with our humanity.

Together with Jen Settle of the Theology of the Body Institute, Dr. Greg Bottaro offers an approach that is different: a 44-day preparation for Consecration that brings into focus the spiritual as well as the psychological realities of being human.

Our families of origin are the places in which we are meant to be taught how to love, both ourselves and others. However, because they are imperfect humans, our parents’ imperfections turn into our own miseducation in love.

Thankfully, the parents of Jesus - Saint Joseph and Our Lady - can help us heal from these wounds incurred by our families.

In this 44-day preparation for consecration, you’ll explore the psychological dimensions of family life and human formation through the lens of the Holy Family to help you receive healing in their School of Love.


Daily Study Material* emailed to you daily for 44 days of preparation. You can begin anytime!

Reflection Questions* meant to draw you deeper into the process of discovering who God is to you and who you are to Him.

Weekly Theme Videos by Dr. Greg Bottaro

Community Support on the Integrated Life app where you can receive prayerful support from our team and other Catholics committed to growing in integration

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